The KRONEN ECO-compost CO₂FERM is a new-generation bioactive compost with micro-organisms and minerals, made by anaerobic digestion according to the patent held by prominent plant producers. The product is ready to use, odorless, pollution-free, and eco-friendly.
Raw material: fermented plant residues
pH: 6.5-7.0 (H2O)
Bulk density: 550 - 600 kg/cbm (EN)
Production sites: Lasland sp z o.o.
Structure: 0-20 mm
Special physical characteristics: improves water holding capacity
Chemical characteristics: provides essential nutrients and trace elements
Biological characteristics: increases micro-organism activity
Application: constituent of peat reduced and peat free substrates and potting soils, general soil improvement
At the KRONEN Group, we combine expertise, sustainability, and quality to deliver unmatched raw materials for your diverse needs.
For the plant:
- source of nutrients
- increasing pH level
- suppression of plant pathogenic diseases
- improving plant immune system by pro- biotic activity
For the growing media:
- improves re-wetting
- organic fertiliser
- increases micro-organism activity
- increased weight
- high pH level
- high EC level
- odourless
For the environment:
- sustainable resources
- peat reduction